Scrubs Season 5

ScrubsNa endlich ! Scrubs Season 5 ist auf NBC angelaufen, mit jeweils 2 dienstäglichen Folgen in HDTV.

Hat ProSieben in Deutschland wirklich erst die Staffeln 1 und 2 gezeigt ?!

Bei ca. 5.000 BitTorrent Seeds + Peers je Episode muss man auf 5×01 und 5×02 nicht lange warten. 14 Minuten dauert mein Download noch – nur leider ist dann 5×02 zuerst fertig ? 🙁

ScrubsIt was about time season 5 of Scrubs started on NBC, showing 2 episodes in HDTV every Tuesday.

Hard to believe, German network ProSieben only aired seasons 1 and 2 yet ?!

With about 5.000 BitTorrent seeds + peers per episode you won’t have to wait long for 5×01 and 5×02 to download. Mine is done in about 14 mins – sadly finishing 5×02 first ? 🙁

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YePP! Thats Right! As Far as I can say they aired SEASON ONE and TWO copletely, EXEPT the ‚Christmas Episode'(„Scrubs – 111 – My Own Personal Jesus“)! But still, we’re not sure if PRO7 showed all Episodes ! The Audience had the chance to see SEASON ONE three times now and SEASON TWO twice, because PRO 7 started „Scrubs“ off for 3 Times times with the 1st Episode!
The last Time, in autumn 2005, the let out some Epidodes from SEASON THREE! We think the latest Episode was „Scrubs – 321 – My Self-Examination“, so noone ever saw Carla & Tyrk’s Wedding, yet!!
But we’re also sure that they aired less than half of all Episodes of SEASON THREE!
There will be no next start before autumn 2006!

Scrubs wasn’t recognized THAT MUCH in Germany than in the US! (But its Fans love it as much as anywhere!!!) That might be the reason why PRO7 didn’t let out more..!!

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