England & i27

IMGP1955Ostern zog es mich nach London.

Meinen Reisebericht gibts nur in der englischen Fassung, oder aber man klickt sich so durch die Bilder: London 2006 / i27 – a photoset on Flickr.

IMGP1955Just a late quick roundup of Easter weekend’s visit to England, attending the i27 LAN and trying to enjoy English lifestyle: Lager, pasties & trifle. No breakfast for me, since I am not a breakfast man.

Arrived at Heathrow around lunchtime on Thursday & made my way to Paddington where the train to Newbury would depart later. Leaving my luggage there, I was good to go for some four hours of shopping around Oxford / Regent / Carnaby Street. Except from an Arsenal home shirt (No.15 Fabregas, annoyingly being billed per letter and number !) and an England away shirt (No.8 Lampard) I bought nothing spectacular. The England shirt was a bargain though, it was 50% off and will be free should England win the World Cup (err… refund on showing the receipt). Really knackered, I took the 6 p.m. train to meet with KBA and check in at the Travelodge where we would sleep (in separate rooms !).

Good Friday was a full day spent at the i- Event, which took place at the Newbury Racecourse (horse racing) as usual. Team FMJ attended with CatMangler, KBA, Spraduke and as spectators Pottinger on Saturday, Spike + me. Since we did not have much of a full squad and did not participate in any of the tournaments, games played just for fun were Medal of Honour, Enemy Territory and Red Orchestra (not to forget Trackmania). As usual, the LAN with 1.000 places was sold out completely.

On Saturday, KBA and me went for a bit of sightseeing at Highclere Castle, only to find it closed on Sat, but open on Sun + Mon. We then headed for Reading where I could have spent rest of the day in a photo / memorabilia shop that just had the perfect mixture of all the things I am into: Football, Celebrities and Bond.
The afternoon and night was again used for gaming, paused by a delicious 5 man dinner at the Indian restaurant (Chicken Madras: don’t overdose the spicy stuff. Thank you, says Mr. Belly.).

Sadly, I had to go home on Easter Sunday. Just like in 2005, the rail system was undergoing engineering works, so I took the bus… 4 hours on buses and sitting around at Reading station and Heathrow airport !!
Anyway, I made it back. It was a nice trip, I met CatMangler and Spike (who thinks I am a top man) for the first time and I had white chocolate moca with cream at Starbucks twice. And here are the photos: London 2006 / i27 – a photoset on Flickr.

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