Talk Like A Pirate Day

Am Montag, 19. Sept. ist der 10 (!) Talk Like A Pirate Day.

Arrr ! Alle Kommentare zu diesem Posting werden (englisch) piratisiert…

The Million Pound Radio Show – Pirate Training Day:

[audio:The Million Pound Radio Show – Pirate Training Day.mp3]

Just a quick reminder: Monday, Sept. 19th will be 10th (!) annual Talk Like A Pirate Day.

Arrr ! Comments on this posting will be piratized – so please do comment.

The Million Pound Radio Show – Pirate Training Day:

[audio:The Million Pound Radio Show – Pirate Training Day.mp3]

4 Kommentare

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Ok, your wish is my comand. So I write this comment just to see what the magic piratizing tool makes out of this. And another thing: Isn’t it possible to modify the music player in such a way, that it does not automatically start? Would be nice for office workers…

Thought you should know that there will be a German edition of the Pirate guy’s new book, „Pirattitude!“ When it will hit the bookshelves is any scurvy dog’s guess. First it has to be translated!
Keep up the good work and have a great TLAP Day!

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