Spam Spam Spam

Als ich gestern nach Hause kam, hatte ich ~ 50 mails in meinem Postfach. Darunter keine „echte“ mail, 3 (gmx-) newsletter und 47 x spam. Der ach-so-hochgelobte Thunderbird- Spamfilter ließ ca. 5 spams unerkannt in meiner inbox, und so hab ich dann folgende mail (aus London !) gelesen:

I am a staff of Natwest Bank London. I am writing following an opportunity in my office that will be having immersed benefit to both of us.
In my department we discovered an abandoned sum of £10.5million British Pounds Sterling (Ten million five hundred thousand British Pounds) in an account that belongs to one of our foreign customers Late Mr. Morris Thompson an American who Unfortunately lost his life in the plane crash of Alaska Airlines Flight 261 which crashed on January 31 2000, including his Wife and only daughter.

We agreed that 10% of this money will be for you as foreign partner, while the balance will be for me and my colleagues. I Will visit you for the disbursement according to the percentages indicated above once this money gets into your account. Please be honest to me and trust is our watchword in this transaction.
Note this transaction is confidential and risk free. As soon as you receive this mail you should contact me by return mail.
Please note that all necessary arrangement for the smooth release of these funds to you has been finalized. We will discuss
Much in details when I do receive your response.
Please in your response include your telephone number so that I can give you a call to explain better.

Best regards
Mr. Scott Adams.

Wer glaubt eigentlich, dass dort GBP 10,5 Mio = EUR 15,0 Mio verlassen bei NatWest rumliegen, weil der Kontoinhaber verstorben ist, und die Banker nur darauf warten, mir 10% davon abzugeben ??

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